Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gano Excel's "Tong Kat Ali" mentioned on Dr. Oz Show

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ganoderma 101

Ganoderma 101: Triterpenoids (Part 3 of 5)

Last time in Gano Excel's 5-part series Ganoderma 101, our "crash course" in the 5 health-boosting benefits of nature's most miraculous medicinal herb, we discussed Ganoderic Essence, that "special something" in Ganoderma lucidum that provides its skin-enhancing magic. In this installment we'll explore Triterpenoids, Ganoderma's cholesterol-busting super-adaptogens!

According to Wikipedia, Triterpenoid saponins are "a large group of compounds arranged in a four or five ring configuration of 30 carbons with several oxygens attached." These super-oxidizers have been shown to:

Help prevent antigen-related allergies!
Aid digestive processes!
Hyper-boost and strengthen the nucleus of body cells!
Scrub the body of cholesterol and neutral fats!
And according to recent research, Triterpenoids isolated from apple peels may even help in the battle against cancer! While the jury is still out on this development, it could be exciting news for everyone interested in "fighting for a cure"!

Triterpenoids are found in high-volume in both Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma-related products, and products containing Panax Ginseng. This means that Gano Excel's Cafe 2.0 Tongkat Ali Coffee may be the most triterpenoid-rich product on the market today!

In our final installment of Ganoderma 101 we'll take a look Organic Germanium, perhaps the most nutritious weapon in Ganoderma lucidum's powerful arsenal of health-boosers! Please remember: the purpose of this series is to provide you with solid facts and science-based reasons for "The Magical King of Herbs'" health benefits. As always, we're not making claims here: we're simply providing you with information that can help you make an informed decision about our products. Consult with your doctor before beginning any herbal regimen!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ganoderma 101

Ganoderma 101: Polysaccharides (Part 2 of 5)

Last time in Ganoderma 101, we discussed adenosine, one of the 5 key components that give Ganoderma lucidum its life-affirming benefits. This week we focus on Polysaccharides, the amazing nutrients that are known to help strengthen cell membranes, boost anti-oxidant levels, and cleanse toxins from the body!

Several studies indicate that polysaccharides are important in the prevention of degenerative diseases, regulate digestive health, moderate cholesterol levels, and help maintain healthy blood sugar. Be careful, though: as one article points out, it's best to get your polysaccharides from only the most natural sources. (Good thing Gano Excel's Ganoderma lucidum is 100% organic certified and purity-guaranteed due to our vertical production and distribution methods!)

For more information on polysaccharides, check out these articles:

Polysaccharides and Health (E-Zine Articles, 2009)
Polysaccharides – The Key to a Healthy Intestine (The Naked Scientists, November 2009)
Next week we'll take a look Organic Germanium. Please remember: the purpose of this series is to provide you with solid facts and science-based reasons for "The Magical King of Herbs'" health benefits. As always, we're not making claims here: we're simply providing you with information that can help you make an informed decision about our products. Consult with your doctor before beginning any such herbal regimen!

For more information go to:

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Ganoderma 101: Adenosine (Part 1 of 5)

This week, I am proud to announce the beginning of a 5-part series detailing the 5 health-boosting components that make Ganoderma lucidum the most healthful herb known to science! That's right, the same ganoderma that is in our amazing coffee products. This is going to be an awesome series so, stay tuned.

First up on the list is Adenosine. This chemical is what gives Ganoderma lucidum its anti-inflammatory properties, and is also known to help lower cholesterol and provide sustained energy. By helping to bring energy to the cells, adenosine serves an important function in human metabolism. But as nutritionist John Gibb notes, you don't want to get your adenosine just anywhere: "you need to look for companies that manufacture their health products under pharmaceutical GMP compliant facilities." (Good thing Gano Excel has GMP certification!)

Here are a couple of links that you can type into your browser to help you find out more about adenosine:

"Nutritional Benefits of Adenosine Trophospate" on E-Zine Articles

"Recent Studies Show Benefits of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) on Hub Pages

Next week, we'll take a look at Polysaccharides. Make sure to check it out, and please remember: the purpose of this series is to provide you with solid facts and science-based reasons for "The Magical King of Herbs'" health benefits. As always, we're not making claims here: we're simply providing you with information that can help you make an informed decision about our products. Consult with your doctor before beginning any such herbal regimen!

See you next week.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Goal Setting Tips

Hello Guys and Guyettes,We have come to the final goal setting tip of this series. Remember, if you would like to receive a complete copy of goal setting tips, email me @ and I will forward them to you at no cost.

7. Be sure they’re really YOUR goals: Check in with yourself to make sure that you’re thinking about what YOU really want. Often we try to please others at our own expense. You won’t be successful trying to reach the goals your parents, spouse or other friends or relatives want for you.

Now, that was a great tip! I want to encourage everyone to write your goals down on paper. It's important that they are not just in your head. The challenges of life will always present hurdles and distractions. Clearly write them down so that you will have a reference point at your side to keep you on track. Humh, now that tip was for free. (lol)
The Bible says,
"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it."
Habakkuk 2:2 (New King James Version)
Don't hesitate, Do it now!
That's all for now, have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Goal Setting Tips

Hello Mates! We are down to the wire on the goal setting tips. Today's blog really has great information as well, take notes!

6. Here are four tips for writing effective goal statements:
* Say it like it’s already happened: When writing your goal, say it like it has already happened. Put your goals in words that assume that you already have achieved them. For example, “I now have a new silver BMW 4 door 2010 sedan.”
* Use motivating language: To get you passionate, committed and motivated, add emotional language to your written goals. Here’s an example “I absolutely love and am excited about my beautiful new home in the hills” which is much more passionate than “I like my new home in the hills”.
* Write specifically and in detail: Because your subconscious manifests things literally, you want to write specific detailed goals. Use language that is clear in describing exactly what it is you want
* Write in positive terms rather than negative ones: Examples of positive statements might be: “I am now free of the habit of smoking”, or “I am now a smoke free person”. Negative examples might be: “I don’t smoke anymore” or “I’m not a smoker”.

Ok everyone, wasn't that good? I hope this has been informative, we have one more tomorrow. Make sure that you tune in. See you then!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Goal Setting Tips

I am so exited about 2010. I have written down my plan and I am putting these goals and principles to work and already seeing results. Don't delay, do it today and let's receive all that God has for us this year. God bless!

5. Goals time frames: Goals fall into varying time periods such as: Immediate goals, 30 day goals, 6 month goals, 1 year goals, 5 years, 10 years or longer. Make sure you can accomplish what you want in the time frame you set.
There are mixed opinions on how specific the deadline dates on goals should be. Some people place specific deadlines on his goals; others use general time frames.
See you tomorrow for tip #6